Friday, August 14, 2009

TGIF hug

Today I celebrate my son's birthday. That's why my blog is later than usual. I try to have it up by around noon (anywhere) but today I am in a celebration mood and therefore off the game. Happy Friday to everyone TGIF and all that.

Happy Birthday Thaddeus!!

Give your kids a hug. If you don't have any have some and then give them a hug!!! Hugs are important especially during celebrations of lfe. We hug when were happy we hug when we're sad. I don't know who invented the hug but it's a good thing. I think hippies may have invented the hug for no reason thing...that's awkward sometimes but effective.

A lot of hugging goes on in athletics. Football is a big hugging sport. Ever seen that group hug thing? Isn't that hysterical?! A crowd of people and they're all hugging some part of somebody else and the person in the middle is getting ganged hugged sorta.

So go out and start a hugpalooza one day. Make sure you know the person you try to hug don't hug cops on duty (they may arrest you) or hookers (they may charge you)..but just give some hugs. I gotta go back to my son's party. big hugs! peace

your chill & Uncle Hippie

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