Monday, December 27, 2010


Today is my birthday. One more for the old hippy. Funny how many more well wishers you can get due to facebook, twitter, aol, hotmail etc etc, ... I appreciate them all. Feels good to know somebody has taken note, such thing as a forgotten birthday this day and age.

I'll spend my day doing what I love, spending some time with Yohkoh and my son all the while writing and performing stand up comedy with friends for friends tonight at a comedy club...that's always a celebration I get to have birthday or not. I'm just lucky that way.

Having a birthday that comes at the end of a year seems to be a little more defined. It's a definite close of something and the beginning of another, the way a birthday should be. I think it causes for just a bit more reflection than that birthday in June or July that seems to hit and move on like a fast moving summer storm.

So I'm older and I hope least I'll feel that way until I do something stupid. Come to think of it I'm pretty good at doing something's easy and doesn't take much thought. Though I do seem to do less stupid things as I get older. I guess that's what getting older and wiser is all about...doing less stupid things. Maybe THAT'S why we celebrate birthdays, we all hope that this will be the year we do less stupid things than ever before. Nah, that's a dumb thought, I'm just being stupid.

Have a nice day ...that just so happens to be the nice day that is my birthday.

your Uncle Hippie

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Not doing stuff

I haven' t blogged in a while. I just haven't done it. I realized that I wasn't blogging on any kind of regular basis, I thought some days I might do it...but yet I never seemed to get around to it. I write most everyday too, you'd think it would have been easy. Nah, just did not do it.

Come to think of it I'm good at not doing things, sometimes too good. I can not do projects with the best. I'm gonna try to pick it up though, ...most likely, probably, I guess.

Ever consider what is your thing you like not to do the most? What is the task you put off constantly, it's almost automatic. You think of it and go....I'll do that later, maybe tomorrow
or next week. Isn't it great when there's a holiday and you can say ...I'll get on that after the holiday, yeah then!

I like the sign that says Do Not Enter. It means simply you cannot go in that way. They never tell you what will happen if you do choose to enter but you still do not enter.

I once saw a Not for Sale sign. Can't be much call for that huh? How many things can you think of you'd need to put a Not for Sale sign on. Is there that many people in this world that ask that for sale that much?!
This Not for Sale sign was on an old automobile. Apparently the owner had been asked so many times if his piece of crap car was for sale that he felt the need to put the sign on the car.

It's hard not to do stuff. People are always asking you what you're doing. You end up doing stuff. You just can't NOT do stuff. Proof positive is the fact that I'm blogging again and not putting it off.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkins, clocks and stuff.

Halloween approaches. Anybody heard my voice on Bob and Tom lately? They usually play some old CD versions of my stuff I did for them in the studio about Halloween. Nice to know after 20 years or it still holds up. ;)

I wish I could remember my last 'trick or treat' night as a kid. I just can't and that is a shame.

I use to love the song 'Monster Mash' by Bobby Boris Pickett ...still do I guess. Looked it up on YouTube the other night.

Halloween...gateway to Thanksgiving and then the big Christmas shopping, dreaming, partying, you know the general angst filled season begins. Yikes -I think I will carve a pumpkin real slow today and stretch out Halloween as long as I can. Oh god I have to get candy!!!! You gotta have candy!!!! Oh boy, the holiday stress has already arrived I guess. ;)

Gotta turn back the clocks this weekend too. At least that's like an extra hour. Which of course you use up finding and turning all of your clocks back! No rest for the wicked. Wicked? Oh yeah Halloween. Have a fun one and keep it safe for the kids annnnd yourself. Look out for each other.

Have a nice day. :)

chill aka Uncle Hippie

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lovin it!

You know I wish sometimes I could tell people how much I love comedy. It has been part of my soul for decades...since the early memories of childhood to just today I have been writing and or performing comedy in some way or other. Hell I do it when alone. Comedy isn't just a 'face' I put on for people or save for the stage, I am in a constant flow of funny. I make myself laugh. I don't think I'm ever annoying with it, I seem to be in command of when, how and have appropriate behavior. Still I am eternally looking for the funny in all moments of life. They're not always there but I look nonetheless, I have to.

I have always wished the best for other comedy performers especially if they're for real. I see a lot of phonies out there and even then I may root for them in some way simply because for some reason or another these faux artists have the want to experience what real art feels like. Still honestly I am compelled to say there are too many 'cover comedians' allowed by bookers and club owners to thrive.

It's absurd to me that bookers would shoot themselves in the foot by sending out so many of these type of untalented non-representing acts....but it happens all the time and everybody looks the other way or makes excuses.

I can only imagine what a world of honestly real stand up performers would be like. All of them fighting for the art form and keeping it real by policing their own. I'd have to think that bookers would then be forced to book only quality acts and....well it's never gonna happen huh? Afraid not.

I do love the biz and process though and will pursue trying to make a positive difference- not from ego or any agenda crap- but just from the love of the game man loooove of the freakin game. lol

Have a nice day :)

Uncle Hippie aka chill

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm back!

Hey bros and sistas!

After a short hiatus to pitch a service here I am now back to write ramblings and rants again.

I am preparing to go to Kansas for a weekend of shows this week. (no Dorothy and Toto jokes please) Have been at this venue before and it's pretty ok. The hardest part of this gig is just the traveling. The shows are a piece of cake.

I have been caring for two little pooches this past week, actually three but two are under my direct responsibilty ;) Gracie and Lulu have been my constant companions as I go through the daily grind....let them out...let them in....feed them...give them them, groom attention to them....yikes! Did I mention I also have a couple of cats to take care of? Oh yeah! So throw in litter box patrol too to the mix. :(

Ah all for a good cause and the sweet little things give back plenty in the way of entertainment. lol
Watching over my pets is much better than watching TV anyday! I think that would make a great reality taking care of a house full of pets!!!

It's all good karma I guess OM!

Take care of pets & yourselves my friends. And have a nice day! :)

Uncle Hippie...chill.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Chance to Learn Stand up comedy and writing. Special offer.

Heads up my funny friends new and old! If you're a comedian, comedy writer or just want to know more about writing humor/jokes for TV, cartoonists, radio and stand up act you might be interested in this offer.

I am moving more and more into the teaching/..coaching of comedy writers and standups through online methods. Many already know about my standup coaching videos online and have taken advantage of that. I have found this to be very effective in helping new and experienced people gain valuable knowledge and assistance in their careers and so now I want to do even more.
Bottom line is this: An experiment in teaching of performing and writing.
As of today I am offering (and you heard it here first) my private coaching service for 4 weeks for $199. That's it. One payment of $199 will get you my personal private online coaching on stand up and comedy writing etc for 4 weeks.

The going rate for private pro coaching is any where around $799 minimum and up to thousands of dollars for 4 to 6 weeks. However if you contact me within this week I am selecting no more than 5 people to receive this special private coaching deal.

The process willl consist of at least 4 weeks of online help (exchange of emails and documents etc) to assist with expansion of ideas, writing, joke refinement-punchup, act structure, as well as audio/video critiquing. During this of course I will be willing to do Q&A to answer any of your questions about how to get started in a professional writing career and or further your stand up experience.

Video conferencing also offered.

Payment plan: I offer Paypal and of course will accept check and or money order.

Again I'm sorry but only the first 5 people confirming with me will get this deal right now. Let me hear from you via email, twitter DM or Myspace message. This is your chance to hire a pro writer and headlining comedian to focus on you, your writing and your act.

Thanks and have a nice day. Uncle Hippie -Chili Challis -

Ps Have a writer in the family? I will consider offering this for a holiday gift as well. Can start training in January. Great for salesmen and women too. Funny sells and endears