Monday, September 14, 2009

Another comedy dojo today!

Well it's come around again, the start of a brand new stand up comedy class or as I call it the comedy dojo. It all starts tonight in Ann Arbor, MI at the historic Comedy Showcase. I will have some shiny new faces along with some regulars all waiting for me to inspire and coach. In 5 weeks they will face the fire of a live audience with only their jokes/bits written from personal experiences and of course made up lies- lol. That's what's good about stand up- everything doesn't really have to be the total truth...but it does have to be funny.

I will go through setup/punchline formulas and coach them on attitude 'selling' of their material. They will learn to 'live it as they give it' as I always say and they will hear my dojo mantra...
'Do the work'! For gosh sakes 'Do the work'!

Most of these people will never be a working stand up comedian however the dojo training will be very valuable to them as they will learn to be funnier and have more command of their thoughts and ways. They will get to know themselves better than most people because I will ask them to look inside and around. Writing comedy material is a lot about looking for and investigating in consistencies and defects in the world and your own!

I look forward to it all always! Come join me sometime in a live class or seminar or join my online class at . You'll see what I mean about how much goes into performing of stand up.

Have a nice day.

Uncle Hippie chill

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