Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chicago, workshops, and such.

This week I will be going to one of my favorite places- Chicago. I'll be performing at Walter Payton's Roundhouse. WPR as it's called in and around Aurora, Ill. is an amazing entertainment complex and has become a much favored stage for me to perform on and simply have fun. I have many friends in the windy city and of course many comedian pals that will stop in to see me. It's always kind of a mixture of work and party when I'm there and it's an honor when they take time out to watch you work on stage. When you can make comedians laugh you obviously have something extrordinary going on (at least that's what I tell myself) ;)

I will also as always hold a workshop for new and experienced comedians and writers. I admittedly love doing these types of instructional events because somewhere deep down inside the satisfaction of helping new artists feels good to me.

My schedule with writing projects, performing and classes has taken a real spike upward in intensity lately and that is by no means a bad thing. I invariably find the time to do it all and it works out to the benefit of everybody including myself.

I do make some money from teaching though I keep the cost per comic to ridiculously low prices. I understand that especially new people have little cash on hand these days to hire a pro writer and coach. Many know the deal I am giving them and of course a few (very few) don't get it. There's always a few fringe wannabe's that don't get anything -ever! That's just life:)

Pro writers and consultants (that would be me) get up to $200 per hour on studio deals yet sometimes I charge as little as forty bucks (that's correct JUST 40 measly bucks) for a workshop and even offer online help afterwards. So far I have only had one complaint most recently from a guy that just doesn't have a clue about show business or it's processes. He even had the nerve to complain to the venue I held the workshop in. He wrote to them that 'quote' .."...my follow up was horrible!"....LOL. I had to laugh as I do now when i think about it. So did the venue owners. This schmuck shot himself in the foot with the venue and me! Nice going huh? it's not everyday you can come close to ruining your career with one bs email ;)

Other than that I have a national rep that is growing in the best way possible, by the artists themselves promoting my workshops and acting as a street team to get people in. I appreciate that very much. It's nice to know there are people out there that understand this is practically missionary work by me.

I mean to make a difference in comedy from the ground up. I have taken on venues that short change comedians, club mgrs, bookers that run shoddy agencies and clubs and even other comedians that steal material and such. I will continue to do this forever. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I do it because I love it. What other reason needs to be? Peace kids.

Have a nice day. :)

Uncle Hippie chill


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