Friday, August 21, 2009

What is up?

Been asked that question lately? What's up!!!? Light and self explanatory I guess. A brilliant greeting and opening for conversation all in two words. What's up!!!!!!??? Demands a response doesn't it? Even though I'll bet many times it's answered with ...aaaah nothing. Still an eminently powerful canned greeting carried over from the 90's. What's up??!!! Gotta love it.

Makes you wonder why this micro-inquest hasn't been around throughout history. What's up??!
I'm pretty sure it's not mentioned once in the Bible. I don't think Einstein said it a single time.
He was too busy figuring out what is up in a relative sense.

Ever have somebody use it that surprises you? Your 88 year old grandma or the priest, minister or rabbi lets go with a big -what's up???!!! It concerns me when my pyschic friend says it. It's customary for me to ask- don't you know?

Now that I think about it I'll bet it just may be impossible to get through one day without saying it or having it said to you. Wanna bet?

So here's my solution, since we can't change what people will ask we should come up with a new response. Here's an opportunity to use humor and conceivably get a laugh from the inquestor. ;)

Let's try a few and you take it from there ok?

What's up? A. Inflation and the price of gas -what else is new?!
(See you've now answered it and flipped the question back to the questioner/greeter). We're on to something!

What's up? A. (females) You mean besides my dress size?!
(Bam! Self deprecating humor is always funny and disarming. Now you've forced the 'what's up' person to compliment you by saying noooo you look great! ah see how this is getting easier and the psychological counterattacks abound!)

What's up? A. (men) Everything but my man boobs!
(Zing! Pow! Zoink!)

Now you got it -go write some yourself. You KNOW you're going to get the question be prepared with a fun answer! It's entertaining, fun, expressive, it's Friday what the hell!!!

**They say a cat has 32 muscles in each ear. I was shocked when I heard this. The way my cat responds to my call I didn't even know he had ears!

Have a nice day :)
your uncle hippie chill

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