Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to the Future

I put a lot into stand up comedy-my life. It's an old story but a true one that I started performing stand up in grad school in the 60's. I had a wonderful elementary teacher that saw a spark of talent in me and therefore allowed me at least an opportunity to do something every Friday in her class. I often chose stand up or some kind of comedy sketch. This continued into high school where I faked my way through many oral presentations using humor....often getting a A I might add.

I'm not sure what it is but I have always loved making people laugh. Not that I am a class clown type or 'always on' as they say I simply love the sound of people laughing. I guess I can say I need that. There's worse hangups I suppose.

I have seen the business of comedy shoot through the roof in the 80's and level off in the 90's where more and more agents and chain clubs were opened. Now in the 2000's the biz of laughter is kind of taken for granted...too much so if you ask me. We have far too many people in the business not because it was an obsession from their soul but because of inclination. True story, I had a college age guy opening for me once that actually told me he had a choice to tour with his comedy act or work at a fast food place for the summer and so he flipped a coin and the comedy won. Did it really???? I saw his act- comedy lost and so did the audiences that paid to see him.

True comedy artists are few and far inbetween now. Hell sometimes the mere mention of the word artist into this business in this era draws smurks from some. There are far too many under talented individuals masquerading as comedian artists and are giving 'performances' of smut and crap and hiding behind the manrtra of 'they're keeping it real'! lol Now THAT is funny.
Also in keeping with failures there are vulture like club owners and agents that book these 'comics' without a clue that they are driving business away. How many times are you going to put a bad product out there for your customers and expect them to continue to come back?! They often speak of how many 'butts in the seats' that they need to profit...and they actually can't seem to get they're running those 'butts' out of their venues regularly with substandard acts.

I'm the type of guy that looks for answers. Sometimes it starts personally. For me that meant that I work hard to keep a fresh act that is funny, immediate and perhaps even contains a message or two and gives my audience a feeling that coming to my show was a great way to spend their money.

Unfortunately I am only one comedian and so it's easy for some clubs and agents to bury me in the muck and continue on ruining a business without a inkling of how they're doing it or even caring if they do.

So what is the real answer? The power of change is in the hands of the fans of comedy -YOU.
As a fan and customer YOU have to speak up to the club owners and mgrs and agents. YOU can do more than put a bad critique on one of their cards they leave on the tables. Speak to the owners personally and voice your concerns. Most importantly lobby for the comedians you have seen and want them to return. We all have favoriters...stick up for them and call the venues and ask for your favorites by name and do it repeatedly. Walk out of shows you don't like. Don't sit there and take it. YOU are the buyer YOU have the power to help me and other comedians like me change this business back to an art form. Demand quality and you'll get it.

Here's a hippie thing to do. Let's protest!! Get in front of your comedy clubs and hold up signs that read 'Chili Challis now!!' 'We want Chili' !!!! Ok I guess that's too much, can't blame a guy huh? Seriously though if you're a fan of stand up comedy and want to see change don't write your congressman write your venue owner, email them, leave comments on their websites and for god sakes call them and get in their face. Let them know you're not just a 'butt in the seat' you are a patron of art. It's time for the art appreciators to take back an art form and demand higher quality. It's the American way.

I'll look for you at my shows. Fight a good fight.

Have a nice day.

Everybody's Uncle Hippie,

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