Ridiculous huh? True I just made it up. A protest weight loss plan? I don't know-if think about it -how many obese protesters have you seen on national TV news? Might be something to it.
Anyway I think protests are a lost art -maybe it's time for a 'how to protest school'??In this 'how to protest 'institutuon of higher learning students would be given instruction on how to plan and organize. They would get graded on originality of signs, slogans, and especially chants. Because everybody knows you gotta have a good chant. No decent protest has been without a hypnotic chant. The anti-draft slogan of the 60's- 'Hell no we won't go!' 'Hell no we won't go!!!' Or Woodstock's own "No rain! No rain!! No rain!!!" -btw that spirit message did seem to stop the rain.
Protest + great chant = Victory in making a point at least.
A winning protest has to have someone shouting on a bullhorn. In the 'how to protest school' bullhorn skills would be taught and tested. Face it- there's just something about a bullhorn that excites a mob! No bullhorn no intensity! No intensity no effective protest.
I've always thought that if authorities wanted to quell a protest it would be as simple as removing the guy with the bullhorn-done.
Shouting through a bullhorn is a fantastic workout for the diaphram too.
Wow I don't know about you but I think I've channeled a real special energy here. Either I open a 'how to protest school' or a 'shape up & lose lbs through protesting plan'!! More to come on these two money makers. I should be on Oprah in no time.
Let's see what could the chant be for losing weight? "No Fat! No Fat! No Fat!"...well it worked with the rain.
chill aka uncle hippie
**Know what's weird about Myspace? There are dead people with Myspace pages and they have more friends than I do. My self esteem can do without that kind of kick in the pants right now.
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