Monday, August 31, 2009

I just try to get laughs.

You know I hope I never become one of those comedians that is too hip for the room. I hope I never do my show while talking to my opening act about what bits I should do as if the audience seated right there in front of me doesn't exist. I hope I never have to rely on the F word to make a joke funny. I witnessed such a show this weekend at a club I frequent when not performing. It was terrible.

When I do my stand up I try to not only deliver opportunites for hard laughs but maybe deliver a positive message or two as well. I've always been a performer that wants the audience to leave my show like they've been on a roller coaster ride and feel as if it was money well spent to see me. I have a sense of responsibilty towards an audience- sue me!

I don't get this anti-comedy thing going on in some comedians performance. Clever or witty is not good enough! Nobody gives a crap about your politics! It's not unhip or hack to simply get a laugh!

I am glad I have a stand up class to teach today. I can tell my students to go for jokes and real material. I will teach them that posturing and posing is NOT good enough. Watching a irresponsible and selfish comedian is all the motivation I need to help push for the better art.

Some comedy clubs wonder where the audience went. Well I saw some of them leave when jerko mr cool was on stage. It breaks my heart. I grow weary of seeing such all to common of displays in stand up these days. The inmates are fully in charge of the asylum.

No matter what job you do you should always take responsiblity to see it is done well and to the best of your ability. It's a simple creed.

I will be performing at the Comedy Showcase in Ann Arbor this weekend. I can't wait. The audience there is due a good show. for details.

Have a nice day.


Friday, August 28, 2009

What time is it?

The music of 'The Doors' haunts me sometimes and I don't really know why. I think the recollection of that whole era of the 60's is kind of dark to me. It was a powerful world changing- consciousness raising decade for sure....nonetheless I remember what seemed to be a lot of overcast gray days. I guess that's why The Doors music is's not dance music that's for seems to capture a lamenting wail of that time...trance like.

Fashion wise the 60's detonated with color, you could do no wrong. Bellbottoms, 'Beatle-boots' or sandals, wide belts & lapels, paisley shirts. And man the hair! The afros, long and braided, sideburns, beards, we REALLY let our hair down then no doubt. Everything seemed far out and very groovy in the world of fashion.

Out of this came an experimentation with drugs and other types of mind altering meditations and even religions. Something wasn't right spiritually it seemed and we were out to fix it and change things.

We wanted to be any place but where we were....there had to be something else and we were going to find it and there we would find ourselves. Oh yeah that was huge in the 60's, everybody was out to find themselves. If only we would have had Facebook or Twitter or Myspace then....we would have found ourselves even sooner and saved years of time.
I conclude that it wasn't really about finding anything it was about as it always is -the search.

The 60's was about searching. Life is about searching I think. Searching for answers. Answers to what? Well whatever personal questions you have about your life. Ever meet somebody who thinks they have all the answers? Alarms should go off in your head, they do mine.

Here's one of the questions I have coming out of the 60' the heck does a mood ring work? Is it just heat sensitive or did it read your moods? And why did we think for a minute a Slinky would be entertaining? Fun for girls and boys?? Nah!! Ever see a girl with a Slinky? Doubt it...about as often as you saw a girl with a GI Joe probably. Slinkys was guy stuff.

Enough about the 60's...I'm gonna go put on the "Hair" album. Yes ALBUM! A big round plastic thing that a needle sits on and plays. And speaking of that there's a lost art form...album covers.
I loved albums. Any hippie worth his incense knows what an album cover was good for. ;)

Have a nice day.
uncle hippie

**You know I can't even say the word disco without my gums starting to bleed.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Teaching Stand up Comedy and my Dojo!

In a few hours I will be graduating a new class of people that attended my 'comedy dojo' . I am gratified to say it is being touted as one of -if not THE best stand up comedy and humor writing classes/situations in the business.

I hold my regular 5 weeks classes in Ann Arbor at the Comedy Showcase. I try to do as many as I can there. It's a historic club dating back over 25 years and has resisted in the past having anybody hold a teaching situation there. I am proud that they chose me. I am proud of the way I present my coaching. In my dojo I offer live instruction and direction and even online writing help to all students who attend. You can check out the info at

I never started out to be a teacher it just happened. I began doing 'writer's camps' in the 80s and it evolved from that. There are many comedy classes around the country and some are helpful. I guess you could say any homework you do before you bounce onto a comedy stage is helpful. I would just warn all prospective students to choose your mentors wisely.

With me you get a former NBC Tonight Show writer and 25 year plus headlining comedian's assistance. That's hard to come by (actually damn near impossible) for new people to obtain in this business.
I also do an online class and that has allowed me to help others I couldn't have even dreamed of getting to in the past.

I am always excited on nights that my students graduate and I'm nervous for them plenty lol. That's the one thing I can't help much with is when they are soloing on stage in front of a live audience. They have to take the fire for themselves. I know that I've prepared them and assured them and they're ready even to face the fear. (I deal with that in my classes) Fear is a huge thing to get over in many things of course and I coach ways to soothe that and help fight it in the 'dojo'.

Never let fear stop you. Fear has no power except for what you give it. Acknowledge that it exists make fun of fear and you will be fine.

To my students and all who read this may I say 'break a leg'!
Live it and give it!!

**You can't have everything...but you sure can hear about it!

**You can't buy would you get it home?

peace and have a nice day. :)

Uncle Hippie...chill

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to the Future

I put a lot into stand up comedy-my life. It's an old story but a true one that I started performing stand up in grad school in the 60's. I had a wonderful elementary teacher that saw a spark of talent in me and therefore allowed me at least an opportunity to do something every Friday in her class. I often chose stand up or some kind of comedy sketch. This continued into high school where I faked my way through many oral presentations using humor....often getting a A I might add.

I'm not sure what it is but I have always loved making people laugh. Not that I am a class clown type or 'always on' as they say I simply love the sound of people laughing. I guess I can say I need that. There's worse hangups I suppose.

I have seen the business of comedy shoot through the roof in the 80's and level off in the 90's where more and more agents and chain clubs were opened. Now in the 2000's the biz of laughter is kind of taken for granted...too much so if you ask me. We have far too many people in the business not because it was an obsession from their soul but because of inclination. True story, I had a college age guy opening for me once that actually told me he had a choice to tour with his comedy act or work at a fast food place for the summer and so he flipped a coin and the comedy won. Did it really???? I saw his act- comedy lost and so did the audiences that paid to see him.

True comedy artists are few and far inbetween now. Hell sometimes the mere mention of the word artist into this business in this era draws smurks from some. There are far too many under talented individuals masquerading as comedian artists and are giving 'performances' of smut and crap and hiding behind the manrtra of 'they're keeping it real'! lol Now THAT is funny.
Also in keeping with failures there are vulture like club owners and agents that book these 'comics' without a clue that they are driving business away. How many times are you going to put a bad product out there for your customers and expect them to continue to come back?! They often speak of how many 'butts in the seats' that they need to profit...and they actually can't seem to get they're running those 'butts' out of their venues regularly with substandard acts.

I'm the type of guy that looks for answers. Sometimes it starts personally. For me that meant that I work hard to keep a fresh act that is funny, immediate and perhaps even contains a message or two and gives my audience a feeling that coming to my show was a great way to spend their money.

Unfortunately I am only one comedian and so it's easy for some clubs and agents to bury me in the muck and continue on ruining a business without a inkling of how they're doing it or even caring if they do.

So what is the real answer? The power of change is in the hands of the fans of comedy -YOU.
As a fan and customer YOU have to speak up to the club owners and mgrs and agents. YOU can do more than put a bad critique on one of their cards they leave on the tables. Speak to the owners personally and voice your concerns. Most importantly lobby for the comedians you have seen and want them to return. We all have favoriters...stick up for them and call the venues and ask for your favorites by name and do it repeatedly. Walk out of shows you don't like. Don't sit there and take it. YOU are the buyer YOU have the power to help me and other comedians like me change this business back to an art form. Demand quality and you'll get it.

Here's a hippie thing to do. Let's protest!! Get in front of your comedy clubs and hold up signs that read 'Chili Challis now!!' 'We want Chili' !!!! Ok I guess that's too much, can't blame a guy huh? Seriously though if you're a fan of stand up comedy and want to see change don't write your congressman write your venue owner, email them, leave comments on their websites and for god sakes call them and get in their face. Let them know you're not just a 'butt in the seat' you are a patron of art. It's time for the art appreciators to take back an art form and demand higher quality. It's the American way.

I'll look for you at my shows. Fight a good fight.

Have a nice day.

Everybody's Uncle Hippie,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hell Yell Tuesday!

It's Hell Yell Tuesday!!! What does that mean you ask?! Just a fun little thing I woke up once saying to myself and found it likeably contagious when I told other people about it. It's a battle cry of sorts- just a little mantra to get you through a Tuesday....a day that is glossed over sometimes I believe.

Monday blues, Wednesday hump day, Thursday is Friday eve, then TGIF and weekend.

Hell Yell is all about enthusiasm! There's nothing quite like somebody saying to you 'hell yell' you can do it- go for it!-whatever it may be. A Hell Yell is whoop of support by your fellow being.

Humans can help each other emotionally and Hell Yell is about that. ;)

So give somebody a Hell Yell today and definitely give one to yourself. You can do it Hell Yell you can!!!

Do me a favor send one to me too!!! Help me take this global please!

Have a nice day. Your Uncle Hippie.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Cats and Bon Jovi

Discovered my cat is a big Bon Jovi fan. He walked into my room where the TV was showing an appearance of Bon Jovi and he was know as much as a cat CAN be riveted. I think the attention span of a cat is the only attention span that ranks behind that of a crack/meth head.
Anyway he's a big fan and so kudos to Bon Jovi. He (the cat) should show me as much consideration with his attentiveness. Not a chance.

**I was at my friend's house the other day and his cat was so ornery with me and so aloof I could have sworn he was my cat.

**My cat has a unique way of playing the game of fetch. You throw the ball and he goes to the litter box, then has a snack and some water, lays around for a short time while cleaning himself and then well I can't remember- I'm usually napping myself by then. Anyway somehow later that evening he ends up with the ball and all his well.

**My friends call my cat 'unner'. Because he's always unner the table, unner the couch, unner the bed, unner your get the idea.

**My cat is afraid of thunder and lightening. He always trys to hide under the bed during storms. That's a bit of a problem...because that's my hiding place during storms.

**I've learned so much from my rescued pals I'm beginning to wonder who rescued who. ;)

"I don't eat animals and they don't eat me!..." a song a long long time ago in a place far far away

Uncle Hippie...chill

Friday, August 21, 2009

What is up?

Been asked that question lately? What's up!!!? Light and self explanatory I guess. A brilliant greeting and opening for conversation all in two words. What's up!!!!!!??? Demands a response doesn't it? Even though I'll bet many times it's answered with ...aaaah nothing. Still an eminently powerful canned greeting carried over from the 90's. What's up??!!! Gotta love it.

Makes you wonder why this micro-inquest hasn't been around throughout history. What's up??!
I'm pretty sure it's not mentioned once in the Bible. I don't think Einstein said it a single time.
He was too busy figuring out what is up in a relative sense.

Ever have somebody use it that surprises you? Your 88 year old grandma or the priest, minister or rabbi lets go with a big -what's up???!!! It concerns me when my pyschic friend says it. It's customary for me to ask- don't you know?

Now that I think about it I'll bet it just may be impossible to get through one day without saying it or having it said to you. Wanna bet?

So here's my solution, since we can't change what people will ask we should come up with a new response. Here's an opportunity to use humor and conceivably get a laugh from the inquestor. ;)

Let's try a few and you take it from there ok?

What's up? A. Inflation and the price of gas -what else is new?!
(See you've now answered it and flipped the question back to the questioner/greeter). We're on to something!

What's up? A. (females) You mean besides my dress size?!
(Bam! Self deprecating humor is always funny and disarming. Now you've forced the 'what's up' person to compliment you by saying noooo you look great! ah see how this is getting easier and the psychological counterattacks abound!)

What's up? A. (men) Everything but my man boobs!
(Zing! Pow! Zoink!)

Now you got it -go write some yourself. You KNOW you're going to get the question be prepared with a fun answer! It's entertaining, fun, expressive, it's Friday what the hell!!!

**They say a cat has 32 muscles in each ear. I was shocked when I heard this. The way my cat responds to my call I didn't even know he had ears!

Have a nice day :)
your uncle hippie chill

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Facebook too!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Playing Favorites

Do you play favorites? Do you have a favorite food, color or favorite anything? I reallly don't. It's always an odd question to me when someone asks what is my favorite (blank). The truth is I like a lot of varience in my foods, colors and many effects.

I have written and performed stand up comedy for almost 30 years and many times I am asked who is my favorite comedian or type of comedian. My most honest answer is I don't have one. Steve Martin and Richard Pryor come closest to filling the role of favorite but I have to say I like Steven Wright, Jackie Mason kills me, Bill Hicks of course and yes even Carrot Top.

Comedy is comedy to me. I like some physical comedy, props make me laugh as well as the more ingenious pop culture and political stuff. Anybody funnier than Louis Black?!! He's hysterical on many topics. The first time I saw Pee Wee Herman I thought I was going to whiz in my pants!
Sharp, bold, brainy, clever comedy really gets me and in the experience I have cultivated that takes many forms.

So back to the playing favorites. My thought has been that if you are hard and fast on a favorite you're automatically dismissing too much. I want it all ;) I guess my favorite is in dissimilarity, multiformity, MIXED BAG lol I suppose. I love too many sorts of foods to have a fav. Too many colors and combinations. I don't want a hard and fast area of thought and tastes I want dimensions!
Viva La no limits! FREEDOM.

Here's a experiment you can do. (Hippies are crazy about experimenting you know)
Even when you can get a favorite anything of yours simply try something else. I know it's crazy but see if you don't find the exposure to difference exciting.

just some thoughts. peace
chill -uncle hippie

**I was doing my usual flexing in front of my mirror today and dang if I didn't hit the car in front of me.

You can follow me on Twitter if not already.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Secret to life? Got it-maybe.

What is the secret to life? Easy answer: I don't know. Some say life is a continuing game of 'think fast'. I could go with that. Some say it's all about questions, no doubt that's true too. As a writer and lifer in comedy I certainly know the comedic value of a good question. Comedians are constantly or should be at least- questioning EVERYTHING. If you don't have questions perhaps you're not experiencing life as you should. I've always had a thought that you should have a little notebook of questions and keep it with you, simply because we all have found those moments where somebody will say to us "Any questions?"...remove the list and ask them. You never know. I did crack up a tour group once like that. A national park tour guide asked if there were any questions and I removed my list and asked,
"Have you ever gone to work naked and just thought you were dreaming?" He laughed said that he hadn't and we moved on. No harm was done. He did however refrain from asking about questions in my particular group again.

The truth is we're all looking for something and I believe without proper or even improper questions you'll never find it. Becoming clued in on what you're searching for may be the secret to life. Find out what you're looking for and go for it. There that wasn't that bad was it? Secret to life is out! Now we can just get on with it. Perhaps.

**Life is great experience. Try it today!

**The one thing I know about my life is -it has a great cast.

your uncle hippie chill

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Protest education or weight loss plan?

What have you protested lately? I don't mean grumbled or confided in a friend about something you didnt' like or fired off a semi-angry email- I mean honest to goodness protest. Signs were made and waved about, you marched, you chanted, you sang in unison, you sat down and refused to move until your demands were met kind of protest. Probably not huh? Ask yourself this question -is protesting even a consideration anymore in your world? It should be. Did you know an intense protest is a great way to lose weight and burn fat? Especially when arrested and thrown in the slammer for a couple of days on bread and water. And all that circuler walking patterns while holding up signs is dynamite exercise!

Ridiculous huh? True I just made it up. A protest weight loss plan? I don't know-if think about it -how many obese protesters have you seen on national TV news? Might be something to it.

Anyway I think protests are a lost art -maybe it's time for a 'how to protest school'??

In this 'how to protest 'institutuon of higher learning students would be given instruction on how to plan and organize. They would get graded on originality of signs, slogans, and especially chants. Because everybody knows you gotta have a good chant. No decent protest has been without a hypnotic chant. The anti-draft slogan of the 60's- 'Hell no we won't go!' 'Hell no we won't go!!!' Or Woodstock's own "No rain! No rain!! No rain!!!" -btw that spirit message did seem to stop the rain.
Protest + great chant = Victory in making a point at least.

A winning protest has to have someone shouting on a bullhorn. In the 'how to protest school' bullhorn skills would be taught and tested. Face it- there's just something about a bullhorn that excites a mob! No bullhorn no intensity! No intensity no effective protest.
I've always thought that if authorities wanted to quell a protest it would be as simple as removing the guy with the bullhorn-done.
Shouting through a bullhorn is a fantastic workout for the diaphram too.

Wow I don't know about you but I think I've channeled a real special energy here. Either I open a 'how to protest school' or a 'shape up & lose lbs through protesting plan'!! More to come on these two money makers. I should be on Oprah in no time.

Let's see what could the chant be for losing weight? "No Fat! No Fat! No Fat!"...well it worked with the rain.

chill aka uncle hippie

**Know what's weird about Myspace? There are dead people with Myspace pages and they have more friends than I do. My self esteem can do without that kind of kick in the pants right now.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Today is the day!

Oh boy it's Monday. All the things you put off until today and now today is here. A 'to-do' list is so easy when you're creating it on the weekend. Monday I will do everything, I will tie up all loose ends- AND diet! Nothing that can't be accomplished on Monday and now Monday is in your lap.

What's your strategy? I usually reorganize the 'to-do' list. Prioritize! Yeah that's it. Somethings can wait until Tuesday sure. Somethings don't even have to be done I don't know what I was thinking. I know -I'll completely rewrite the 'to-do' list- after all writing is rewriting and there's nothing as lame as an unfinished 'to-do' list laying around. Maybe I could just write down the things as I accomplish them and then cross them off. Is that cheating? Nah it's just a creative approach to a 'to-do' list it's more of an 'accomplished' list yeah sure. I'm rolling now. I'll even use different color ink and paper for my 'accomplished' list. I'll have to go out and buy that so I'll just jot it down on the 'to-do' list to get done. Well let's see if I don't have the paper and ink I guess I could just move on to another project and get on that 'to-do' list when I'm fully prepared with all the tools necessary to complete all tasks.
Hey that wasn't that bad. I guess I'll have another cup of coffee and something sweet. ;)

*Some people have asked me if all of my friends are imaginary. Don't be silly. Not ALL of my friends are imaginary -of course not! Some are just invisible.

Friday, August 14, 2009

TGIF hug

Today I celebrate my son's birthday. That's why my blog is later than usual. I try to have it up by around noon (anywhere) but today I am in a celebration mood and therefore off the game. Happy Friday to everyone TGIF and all that.

Happy Birthday Thaddeus!!

Give your kids a hug. If you don't have any have some and then give them a hug!!! Hugs are important especially during celebrations of lfe. We hug when were happy we hug when we're sad. I don't know who invented the hug but it's a good thing. I think hippies may have invented the hug for no reason thing...that's awkward sometimes but effective.

A lot of hugging goes on in athletics. Football is a big hugging sport. Ever seen that group hug thing? Isn't that hysterical?! A crowd of people and they're all hugging some part of somebody else and the person in the middle is getting ganged hugged sorta.

So go out and start a hugpalooza one day. Make sure you know the person you try to hug don't hug cops on duty (they may arrest you) or hookers (they may charge you)..but just give some hugs. I gotta go back to my son's party. big hugs! peace

your chill & Uncle Hippie

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Beliefs, permanent records...and self help.

Do you have beliefs you follow that you don't know exactly how they got into your psyche? They're little bits of knowledge that you learned though somebody or spiritually or somethin'. Is it possible there is a little belief fairy that whispers in our ears when we're asleep? Maybe we were listening to our parents after all even though we were trying desperately to ignore them? However these little tiny gray matter beliefs get into our conciousness and thrive. I have them- most people do.

They can be about the smallest strangest things too. 'Don't wet your toothbrush before you start brushing'-anybody have that belief? Is it right? Is this for real? What happens if I do wet my toothbrush before brushing? Will the dentist know? Will this go down in my permanent record?!! Oh god not the book of guilt where all my mistakes are written and will be exposed to everybody one day?!! How many people had that belief? I did. I dropped it somewhere in college...I believe.

'Never speak ill of the dead'-that was a commandment belief in my family. I broke it on more than one occasion. If somebody was terrible or evil in their life I wouldn't go out of my way but if pushed I would say what I really thought of them. I figure it can't get much worse for them...they're dead. Of course some people believe that it can get much worse in the afterlife.

Ever thought of these beliefs before? It's a great way to explore yourself and absolutely a necessary thing to do if you're a writer or perfomer. My guess is beliefs are powerful landmines of conciousness that are true for the most part only because of history. Truth through repetition!

Here's my thinking...if beliefs are so strong what if we placed our own positive beliefs in our conciousness now would it help later? Sounds possible doesnt' it? Maybe we could rewrite our permanent record to the more positive side?! Hmmmm...I may have to light some incense and meditate on this a while. I must be on to something -my mood ring is showing calm. Always a good sign- I believe.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What IS today's hairstyle?

I have almost always had long hair. When I was two or three my mother allowed my hair to grow past my shoulders. So I had the 'hippie' look in the 50's well ahead of it's time. That's the way it's been pretty much throughout my personal history with only minor intervals of shorter 'let's get a job' look. Still can't believe I compromised...but not often and not for long.

Today's hair is off the hook if it's there at all. I admire the men that have the courage to just cut it all off. I can't do that. I fear I would look like a mad man. It's just not me. A bald hippie? Disgusting and not in the proper dress code at all lol....unfortunately many are bald these days through natural process of aging. Hair today gone tomorrow.

Much fun is poked at the mullet hair style but I still see it all the time. It's the look that screams 'minimum wage' or some sort of machinist...not all but you know what I mean. My point being it's around and not just associated with hockey. Mullets are here to stay. Thanks Flobbie!

I like the people that just say the hell with it and color their hair multi-colors. Red on one side, yellow on another, blue thrown in because what the heck it was there.

Dreadlocks are always very cool I think.

I've never been a big fan of the mohawk style of hair. I can tolerate it and don't fall into hysterics when I see it but come on it looks like somebody that should have a tomahawk in his hand and struggling with Davy Crockett along a riverbank. It's a warrior style I guess therefore perfect for the battlefield but a little scary to be stuck on a subway with late at night. Way too Taxi Driver for me.

What is the style that say's the 2000's? Many eras have sported their own look but what is it now? For men I'd say the bald look is it- for women I'm not so sure. I'm sure it's not the bald look but even that IS being carried out by some females. What is the hairstyle for women in the 2000's?!
Maybe it's braids and extentions? Men are going the route of less hair and women are adding it. Did somebody say BeeHive? What was that about anyway huh? That would be my nightmare...a jury of people sporting mullets, mohawks and bee hives...don't see a lot of those people on 'Jeopardy' do you?

*Ever heard the old saying of- don't judge a book by it's cover? Why not? Doesn't the cover often reflect what is inside?

*I have unruly hair. Last night it started a fight in a bar!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New hippies? I hope!

40th anniversary of Woodstock wow! That was a vibe of pure energy. People following one another to a special place where something exciting was going on. They showed up in numbers that astounded the people running it. The closest thing to that wave now is- Twitter.

What if the hippie movement would have happened today? Perhaps it is some say. If that's true there's definitely a change. The marches, signs and protesters have been replaced by emails, comment pages and bloggers. We don't write protest songs anymore we write songs and then protest against them. 'Dixie Chicks' huh?

Well whatever I guess let's just say a current day hippie movement is least the fashion is, just gaze upon most college campuses. You'll hear loud rock n roll.. you'll see long hair, faded jeans, bandanas, backpacks, flipflops, and these are the professors!..ha!..see what I did there?!!

Let's roll with it I say I'm all for anybody wanting to get involved in making a fair positive it old or new hippies. I'm proud to say I just try to make people laugh and I'm happy to be the new and old hippies' Uncle. lol

*Why do cats get 9 lives? It's not like they're out there risking them for somebody!

*Using our brains we can change many things. Using our hearts we can change everything.

chili aka uncle hippie

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm new!

Yep I'm brand new to this blogging thing for sure. I've dabbled a little on myspace but only like once a week or month or so. I'm in state of mind that says I'd like to try this on a more regular basis and so this is it.

I continue to marvel at where this trip of stand up comedy I've been on has taken me. I have written for network shows, nationally syndicated radio and performed stand up act pretty much all over the country in concert halls, theaters, comedy clubs, and casinos. I'm a regular comedy cowboy whose been riding the free range business of laughter for decades now. I'm Uncle named by my audience actually. One night it just came out from me or the audience or somewhere but it happened and it was amped with the correct spirit. And so it is. I can live with it. ;)

So this is a start I guess. I'm Uncle Hippie and I'll be writing, ranting and rambling here for a spell. Hopefully it will do some good. peace